Kim Kids

Kim Kids is a multi-brand clothing store for boys and girls from 0 to 14 years old. It carries only high-quality European brands: BOBOLI (Spain), Panço (Turkey), Color Kids, Fixoni, HutteliHUT. Minymo, Pippi, Creamie, CeLaVi, En Fant (Denmark), NATURINO (Italy) and others.

Kim Kids is a multi-brand clothing store for boys and girls from 0 to 14 years old. It carries only high-quality European brands: BOBOLI (Spain), Panço (Turkey), Color Kids, Fixoni, CeLaVi, En Fant (Denmark), NATURINO (Italy) and others.

In Kim Kids you can buy almost everything you need for your little ones: outerwear and shoes, everyday full bows and for special occasions, accessories, pajamas and underwear, bodysuits and sets for babies.

The store has a bonus program that also applies to: Betty Barclay, Frank Walder, Lerros, Roy Robson.



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