Official rules of the promotion

River turned 4 years old.
4 years full of people and moments.
Do you remember yours?

✔️ Share a memory related to River in your post
✔️ Tag @rivermallua
✔️ Add the hashtag #Моментныйцентр
✔️ Leave a greeting emoji under this post (only 1 comment)

The memory can be anything: photo or video, joyful or funny… The main thing is yours with River.
We will choose 4 winners on 24.10.

Official rules of participation in the RIVER MALL promotion
under the tentative title “River donates four iPhones”

1. Organizer of the Promotion.
● The customer of the Promotion is LLC “Information Agency “Free Ukraine” (hereinafter – the “Customer”).
● The organizer of the Promotion is the Limited Liability Company “AGENCY “ASAP” (hereinafter – “Organizer or Executor”)

The purpose of the Promotion is to popularize the River Mall shopping center to increase the number of customers and stimulate sales at retail outlets, as well as increase the audience in social networks.
Gift of the promotion – the gift of this promotion is 4 (four) iPhone 14 Pro phones.

2. Duration and territory (place) of the Promotion.
2.1. The promotion is held in the River Mall shopping center at the address: Kyiv, Dniprovska naberezhna, 12 (hereinafter referred to as the “Place of the Promotion”).
2.2. The Promotion begins on September 24, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. and ends on October 24, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. after the procedure for determining the Gift Recipients (hereinafter referred to as the “Promotion Period”).
2.3. The action consists of the following stages:
Stage 1 – visitors to the River Mall share their memories and moments that happened in the mall on social networks. Publication in post or reel format. Storis do not participate in the draw.
Stage 2 – The publication must contain a mention of the official page of the shopping center @rivermallua, the hashtag #Моментныйцентр and leave a greeting emoji under the publication about the draw. Only 1 comment is taken into account.
Stage 3 – the announcement of Gift Recipients, which will take place at 6:00 p.m. on October 24, 2023, on social networks of the mall and on the website. The winners are chosen by the River Mall team.

4. Participants of the Promotion and requirements for the Participant of the Promotion.
4.1. Active citizens of Ukraine who are 18 years old at the time of the start of the Promotion can take part in the Promotion. Participants who are 14 years old but under 18 (persons with incomplete legal capacity) and persons with limited legal capacity have the right to participate in the Promotion only with the permission of their parents or legal guardians. At the time of the draw, the participant must live within the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region.
4.2. Owners and employees of the Organizer and the Customer or representatives of tenants (including, but not limited to: brand owners and service personnel of shopping centers), owners and employees of advertising agencies, cleaning, security and other organizations are not recognized as Participants of the Promotion and cannot participate in it , involved in the Promotion and maintenance of the shopping center, as well as immediate members of their families. Immediate family members are spouses or husbands, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, other dependents or guardians, and persons who are directly related to the owners and employees of the Promotion Organizer, Promotion Supplier, Promotion Performer, mall tenants.

5. Procedure for determining Gift Recipients.
5.1. At exactly 18:00 on October 24, 2023, the procedure for determining the Gift Recipients will begin.
5.2. The winners are chosen by the River Mall team at their own discretion. The creative presentation of the publication and the number of reactions to it (views, likes, reposts and comments) are taken into account.
5.3. The results of the raffle will be published on the website and the Facebook and Instagram page of the mall.
5.4. From the moment of receiving the Gifts of the Promotion, namely from the moment of signing the act of acceptance and transfer of the Gift, the Organizer of the Promotion is not responsible for cases of loss of the opportunity to use the Gift by the Gift Recipient due to circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer.
5.5. Taxation of the Gift is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The tax agent is the Organizer.
5.6. The recipient of the Gift accepts the official terms and conditions of the Promotion and is aware that all taxes, payments and fees that arise during the registration of the opportunity to realize the Gift in accordance with current legislation are paid by the tax agent.
5.6. The Participant who became the Recipient of the Gift cannot assign such right in favor of third parties.
5.7. Cash and/or any other compensation for Gifts is not issued. Substitution of Gifts with any other good is not allowed. Gifts cannot be exchanged or returned.

6. Rights and obligations of the Organizer.
6.1. The Organizer reserves the right to change the date of determining the Gift Recipients. Information on changing the date of determination of Gift Recipients can be found on the Customer’s information resources.
6.2. The Organizer does not re-notify the Gift Recipient about his victory.
6.3. The Organizer of the Promotion is not responsible for the impossibility of receiving the Gift by the Recipient for any reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, including due to the fact that the Participant of the Promotion specified incorrect/or incomplete data, etc., which are necessary for accepting participation in the Promotion. At the same time, such Gift Recipient shall be deprived of the right to receive any compensation from the Promotion Organizer.
6.4. The Organizer of the Promotion is not responsible for the future use of the Gifts of the Promotion and for the impossibility of using them for any reason.

7. Final provisions.
7.1. In the event of any disputes regarding the interpretation of the conditions of the Promotion, the interpretation of the Promotion Organizer is recognized as official, which is final and binding for all persons/Participants of the Promotion and is not subject to appeal. The Organizer’s decisions on all issues related to the Promotion are considered final, non-appealable and apply to all Promotion Participants.
7.2. The Organizer of the Promotion may invalidate any publication claiming to participate in the draw. If this publication violates the rights of other participants or damages the reputation of the shopping center.
7.3. The Customer/Organizer is not responsible in the event of force majeure, such as natural disasters, fire, flood, military actions of any nature, blockades, significant changes in the legislation in force in the territory of the Promotion, others beyond the control of the Customer /The organizer of the circumstances.
7.4. The Customer/Organizer is not responsible for the impossibility of receiving the Gift by the Participant of the Promotion for any reason beyond the control of the Organizer. At the same time, such Participant does not have the right to receive any compensation from the Organizer.
7.5. The Customer/Organizer does not bear any responsibility: for the further use of the Gift by the Gift Recipient after receiving them, any warranty obligations regarding the quality of goods/services provided by third parties, as well as for the possible consequences of their use.
7.6. The Customer does not enter into any disputes regarding the recognition of any persons as Participants of the Promotion and the rights to receive the Gift. The customer does not assume responsibility for determining the rights of the parties in any disputes regarding the conduct of this Promotion.
7.7. Receipt of the Gift is foreseen only by the Participants of the Promotion and cannot be considered as a monetary obligation.
7.8. The Organizer uses the gifts that the Promotion Participants refuse to receive at their own discretion, taking into account the provisions of the contract between the Customer and the Organizer.
7.9. The obligation to calculate and pay taxes in connection with the delivery of relevant Promotional Incentives and Gifts, as well as the responsibility for failure to fulfill this obligation, is borne by the Customer of the Promotion.
7.10. According to the requirements of Art. 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine on accession contracts, namely, regarding the possibility of concluding such a contract by joining one party to the proposed contract, by participating in the Promotion, all Participants agree to these Promotion Rules and Conditions and undertake to comply with them.
7.11. These Rules are a preliminary contract, and in case of refusal to comply with these Rules and Conditions of the Promotion, Gift Recipients lose the right to receive Gifts.
7.12. All results of the Promotion are final and cannot be appealed.
7.13. The Organizer’s decisions regarding all issues related to the Promotion are considered final and apply to all its participants. The organizer reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Promotion, the procedure for awarding prizes, suspend or cancel the Promotion. The Organizer is not responsible for the violation of the rights of third parties by the Participants of the Promotion. The Organizer is not responsible for changing the Terms of the Promotion in the event of force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the will of the Organizer, but affect the course of the Promotion. Participation in the Promotion means agreement with all its terms.
7.14. These rules may be changed/supplemented by the Organizer during the entire Promotion Period, while informing about changes and additions will be made by placing them on the shopping center website. Such changes and additions enter into force from the moment of publication, unless otherwise provided by changes/additions to the current Official Terms.
7.15. By participating in the Promotion, each Participant thereby confirms the fact of familiarization with these Promotion Terms and his full and unconditional agreement with them. Violation of these Terms by the Participant of the Promotion or refusal of the Participant of the Promotion to properly fulfill these Terms is considered a refusal of the Participant of the Promotion to participate in the Promotion and receive Gifts, while such a person does not have the right to receive any compensation from the Organizer and/or other persons.
agree to these Terms and Conditions of the Promotion and undertake to comply with them.
7.11. These Rules are a preliminary contract, and in case of refusal to comply with these Rules and Conditions of the Promotion, Gift Recipients lose the right to receive Gifts.
7.12. All results of the Promotion are final and cannot be appealed.
7.13. The Organizer’s decisions regarding all issues related to the Promotion are considered final and apply to all its participants. The organizer reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Promotion, the procedure for awarding prizes, suspend or cancel the Promotion. The Organizer is not responsible for the violation of the rights of third parties by the Participants of the Promotion. The Organizer is not responsible for changing the Terms of the Promotion in the event of force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the will of the Organizer, but affect the course of the Promotion. Participation in the Promotion means agreement with all its terms.
7.14. These rules may be changed/supplemented by the Organizer during the entire Promotion Period, while informing about changes and additions will be made by placing them on the shopping center website. Such changes and additions enter into force from the moment of publication, unless otherwise provided by changes/additions to the current Official Terms.
7.15. By participating in the Promotion, each Participant thereby confirms the fact of familiarization with these Promotion Terms and his full and unconditional agreement with them. Violation of these Terms by the Participant of the Promotion or refusal of the Participant of the Promotion to properly fulfill these Terms is considered a refusal of the Participant of the Promotion to participate in the Promotion and receive Gifts, while such a person does not have the right to receive any compensation from the Organizer and/or other persons.

8. Other Terms.
8.1. By participating in the Promotion, the Participant of the Promotion/Recipient of the Gift, in particular, confirms their agreement to the following:
Each Participant of the Promotion thereby gives his consent to the processing and free use of personal data provided by the Participant of the Promotion, namely: name, surname, patronymic, phone number, e-mail address, as well as other data provided by the Participant of the Promotion for participation in the Promotion (hereinafter – “Personal data”) (Processing of personal data about racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, as well as data related to health or sex life – DOES NOT TAKE PLACE ) by the Organizer of the Promotion, for marketing and/or any other purpose by methods that do not violate the current legislation of Ukraine (including by transferring it to third parties), in particular, for the free use of his name, surname, or other information about him from for advertising/marketing purposes, including, but not limited to, sending information, messages (including advertising if ticks are placed in the relevant cells of the Participant’s Questionnaire), without any restrictions on the territory, time and method of use, and such use will not be compensated in any way by the Promoter and/or any third party. The provision of such consent is considered within the meaning of Art. 296, 307, 308 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”
The Organizer of the Promotion, in accordance with the procedure defined by the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”, has the right to process and use personal data (passport data, identification code, etc.) of the Participants/Winners of the Promotion in any way not prohibited by the current legislation of Ukraine, including, but not limited to in order to fulfill the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine, regarding advertising, taxes, and in the field of accounting.
8.2. Each Participant of the Promotion agrees that the Personal Data provided by him will be used by the Promotion Organizer exclusively for the purpose of conducting the Promotion.
By participating in the Promotion, each Participant of the Promotion confirms that, from the moment of his participation in the Promotion, he has been properly informed about the purpose of collecting his Personal data, with the rights provided for in Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”, familiarized.
The processing of personal data can be carried out by the Organizer of the Promotion independently or can be transferred to other operators on the basis of a contract with the condition of maintaining confidentiality.
The Organizer of the Promotion bears no responsibility for the protection of personal data posted by the Participant against illegal or accidental access to them, destruction, distortion, blocking, copying, distribution of personal data, as well as other illegal actions. Just as the Organizer of the Promotion does not bear any responsibility for the violation of the rights of third parties as a result of the actions of the Participant of the promotion for posting such personal data

Official rules of the promotion

Hurrah! Finally, we announce an incredible event on the River Mall embankment!

Artmarket at Home will be held on August 5 and 6. The market will feature home goods, decor, furniture, books and other craft products for the comfort of your home.

Also in the program:
🔺children’s animation;
🔺 master classes;
🔺 charity auction;
🔺DJ – sets.

So remember:
📍 River embankment and lawn
🗓 August 5-6 from 12 to 21
Free entrance!

If you want to join as a market participant, write


Kyiv needs a new hero! Ncars opens an electric car showroom in River.
To make it more interesting for you to visit us, there will be a buffet and a raffle of gifts.
And a $555 discount on the purchase of an electric car until August 10, 2023.

Festive opening: July 14-16.
– 2nd floor, to the left of Silpo.
For details, call 097 996 99 44
We are waiting for you!

Electric car showroom in River!

Friends, we invite you to the Help South Ukraine charity concert, which will be held on July 5 on our terrace.
The event will be held in support of children and large families affected by the Kakhov tragedy.
That is why 100% of ticket sales will go directly to aid.
The “Limitless Possibilities” charity fund together with the “Phoenix” Literary and Theater Project together with the stars of Ukrainian theater, cinema and pop are preparing an unforgettable evening for you.
The concert will be performed by Aurika Rotara, Artur Logai, Karolina Vanoyan, Olga Sumska, Vitaly Borysyuk, Oleksandr Yehorov, BARABANDA, KRYLATA and ANDPIANA.
We are waiting for you this Wednesday at 20:00 on our terrace.
Tickets at the link 

Star charity concert Help South Ukraine.

We share great news!
The cult British brand THE BODY SHOP and the Italian brand of high-quality knitwear PULL IN LOVE are now in Rivera.
THE BODY SHOP is a brand that is always one step ahead and sets trends in the world of cosmetics:
• effective formulas and luxurious textures;
• incredible aromas and ecological packaging;
• vegan and cruelty-free (never tested products on animals in its 45-year history).
The brand’s assortment includes about 900 body, face, and hair care products, as well as a wide range of perfumes and even make-up products.

PULL IN LOVE is a brand born in Italy that found its family in Ukraine.
The specialty of the brand is a collection that presents high-quality basic clothing for men and women.
All products are made in Italy, which traditionally guarantees the quality and relevance of each model.

We invite you to get to know the brands.
Look for THE BODY SHOP on the 2nd floor on the LC Waikiki side,
PULL IN LOVE on the 1st floor from the Zara side.

THE BODY SHOP and PULL IN LOVE are now in Rivera!

Live music on the outdoor terrace with a view of the sunset is the perfect end to the day or an idea for meeting loved ones.

Together with the @a.concert.official team, we created an opportunity to spend summer evenings with music, with an incredible view.

So, we announce the upcoming concerts:

June 15 at 7:00 p.m
An emotional author’s program that will touch even those who did not understand jazz before!

June 17 at 7:00 p.m
Music from your favorite movies from the most famous composers: Hans Zimmer, Ennio Morricone, John Williams and others!

June 22 at 7:00 p.m
Classic pop hits in a symphonic arrangement: Elton John, ABBA, Madonna, Daft Punk and others!


Musical evenings on the terrace

On April 30, at 18:00, the final of the RIVER PEOPLE Action was held and the lucky winners who received incredible gifts were identified:
– 10,000 hryvnias for shopping – Yulia Lutsenko @lutsenko888
– 10,000 hryvnias for shopping – Vitaly Petrov @weeweetalii
– 10,000 hryvnias for shopping – Olga @litva_96
– UAH 11,000 for the food court – Olena Dmytrenko @mary_ivan_corp
– annual subscription to Planet Cinema – Saushkina Olga @sashkina_olya
– annual parking pass – Svitlana Hnatyuk @sveta_gnatyuk
– unlimited subscription for half a year in D.SIDE – Serhiy Grishko @sergei.grishko.888
– annual subscription to Papashon – Chapko Marina @m.a.r.i.n.o.4.k.a
– three-month subscription to Rivvorking – Andrii Kovalenko @andrii.kovalenko_

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Promotion and congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the RIVER PEOPLE Promotion!

Make purchases in your favorite shopping center for the amount of 1,000 hryvnias and register checks at the link

We will draw among the participants:

1) UAH 30,000 for shopping. Three gifts of UAH 10,000 each, which are issued as certificates for purchases in River Mall stores, namely:
Winner #1 receives 10,000 hryvnias worth of certificates for purchases in River Mall stores:
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 2,000 hryvnias to the 8 bags store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Aromateque store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Bartek store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of UAH 3,000 to the store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Scotch&Soda store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Intertop store, the certificate is valid until May 15, 2023;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the My Play store.
Winner #2 receives 10,000 hryvnias worth of certificates for purchases in River Mall stores:
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Bartek store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of UAH 1,000 to the Lee Cooper store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Liu Jo store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 2,000 hryvnias to the Marathon store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the My Play store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Parfois store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 2,000 hryvnias to The Lace store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Women’secret store.
Winner #3 receives 10,000 hryvnias worth of certificates for purchases in River Mall stores:
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the My Play store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the OVS kids store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 3,000 hryvnias to the Puma store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 2,000 hryvnias to The Lace store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the United Colors Of Benetton store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the Women’secret store;
– 1 (one) certificate with a denomination of 1,000 hryvnias to the IRIS store.
2) UAH 11,000 for the food court. One winner receives certificates, the total amount of which is UAH 11,200, to food establishments located on the territory of the River Mall shopping center, namely:
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each from BeGood;
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each from Burger station;
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of UAH 500 each from Cinnabon;
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each from Murakami;
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each from OH MY DOG;
– 4 (four) certificates with a denomination of 300 hryvnias each from Salateira;
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each from Takava;
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each from Varenika;
– 2 (two) certificates with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each from YishFish;
– 2 (two) certificates, each with a denomination of 500 hryvnias from Kachina History;
– 2 (two) certificates, with a denomination of 500 hryvnias each, from Baked Potatoes.
3) Annual subscription to the “Planeta Kino” cinema. The winner receives 24 tickets to the cinema, valid until April 30, 2024. Certificates work in all technologies except RE’LUX.

4) Unlimited subscription for 6 (six) months in D.side dance club.
5) Annual subscription to the River Mall parking lot. The subscription can be used only for one vehicle (one state vehicle registration number).
6) Annual subscription to the children’s entertainment room Papashon Kids. Namely, the winner receives 12 certificates for entering the children’s entertainment room Papashon Kids, valid until April 30, 2024.
7) 3 (three) month subscription to the Rivvorking co-working space.

The promotion lasts from March 16 to April 30, 2023.
And remember, more checks mean more chances!
Detailed conditions of the promotion:

How to take part in the promotion?

Friend, we are happy to announce that starting March 27th, River will be open for an hour!

We are waiting for you every day from 10:00 to 22:00.
Silpo is open from 09:00 to 22:00, from April 1 to 23:00.
“Planet of Cinema” cinemas: 9:30 a.m. – until the last screening.

Even more time for shopping and leisure!

From March 27, we are open until 10:00 p.m.!

as promised, we are announcing new days of free consultations from the doctors of Okhmatdyt.
Accepted: pediatrician, children’s gastroenterologist.

Doctor’s consultation schedule:
March 22, 12:00-18:00:
pediatrician – Nelya Viktorivna Danyliuk,
pediatric dermatovenerologist – Myroslava Valeriivna Grechuha.
March 24, 12:00-18:00:
pediatrician – Kateryna Lvivna Platova,
pediatric hematologist – Lyudmila Mykolaivna Yurchenko.

When? March 22 and 24.
Where? In the premises of the Vaccination Center.

Consultations are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Consultations are free.

Are waiting for you!

Free consultations of children’s doctors of Okhmatdytu will be provided in the RIVER MALL shopping center in the future.
Later, we will announce the list of specialists and the schedule.
Follow the announcements.

And on the 1st floor, you can visit the photo exhibition “Work of the Okhmatdyt Hospital during the war” and help by donating.