Zara is the world’s largest producer of fashionable and stylish apparel. It is part of Inditex Corporation, one of the well-known distribution groups. In the River Mall shopping center, the Zara store is located on two floors. Here everyone can find original pieces to their liking.
The range includes:
• clothes;
• footwear;
• accessories.
Collections are popular thanks to the high-quality materials used and trendy looks. New lines of Zara collections appear regularly. Buyers have the opportunity to purchase fashion products at competitive prices, which makes the brand especially popular and top requested.
The shops offer a wide range of goods for people of different age and constitution. If Zara models are not in demand any more they are removed from production immediately, so the old collections do not appear here.
The concept of new product lines is created by several hundred designers, so the work is done very fast. New Zara products do not go behind the world fashion trends, all products are of high quality and stylish.
H&M is one of the world’s leading fashion brands with its own identity and a passion for dressing customers in a sustainable way. The range of clothes includes everything from sparkling gala outfits and exclusive designer collaborations to everyday basics and high-performance yoga wear to help fashion fans across the world dress their personal style.
In H&M River Mall you can find fashion and quality at the best price for women, men and children, as well as H&M Mama and H&M Sport for men. Also, there is a recycling box for collecting unwanted clothes. Bring textiles of any brand, any condition and then the textiles will be sent to the nearest recycling plant. For every bag of textiles you drop off, you will receive a discount.
Rachel Riley is an English brand of exquisite children’s clothing, which has been dressing the descendants of the royal family for 25 years!
The brand designs classic luxury clothing for children and babies. Each collection uses traditional craftsmanship techniques such as hand embroidery, hand finishing for knitwear with only the softest and finest fabrics and yarns. All prints are exclusive and patented, and the 100% leather shoes are made in our own atelier in the Loire Valley, France.
“Budynok Igrashok” is the number 1 toy store chain in Ukraine, which has more than 60 points of sale throughout the country. The assortment of stores is so diverse that you can find the right toy for any age and for every taste. All toys are safe, original and certified, because “Budinok Igrashok” cooperates only with official manufacturers and suppliers.
Various promotions are constantly operating in the chain of stores, and with a loyalty program card, you can get a discount from 5% to 15% (depending on the accumulated amount of purchases) on non-promotional items. It is not necessary to carry the Budynok Igrashok card always with you, it is enough to register it online and, having provided your phone number to the cashier, get a discount.
Buyers who prefer online shopping can make an order on the website or using a mobile application, and pick up the selected toys in one of the chain stores, or arrange targeted delivery to any corner of Ukraine. Qualified employees of the hotline or sales consultants of the network will help you to understand the advantages of this or that toy. It is at Budynok Igrashok that they know everything about toys, what they should be to make a child really happy!
More information:
0 (800) 30 11 30
10:00 – 22:00, daily
Adidas – автентичний німецький бренд спортивного взуття, відомий застосуванням інноваційних технологій в виробництві. Надихає спортсменів для нових досягнень. Компанія завжди креативно підходить до досягнень цілей. Бренд закликає нестандартно вирішувати будь-які питання, тому що спорт дозволяє змінювати життя.
Основна мета компанії Adidas – розробляти і виробляти найкращі продукти на ринку, надавати споживачам якісні послуги і унікальні товари. Такий підхід дозволяє створювати нове майбутнє спорту кожен день.
Ассортимент включає в себе:
· Спортивне взуття;
· Спортивний одяг;
· Аксесуари
Сьогодні бренд Adidas являється одним із лідерів серед виробників спортивного одягу. Вироби відрізняються високою якістю, надійністю і комфортом. Вони ідеально підходять для спортсменів, тому компанія Adidas співпрацює з багатьма з ними.
Бренд підписує контракт з відомими гравцями в різних видах спорту. Зі взуттям Adidas даже неможливе стає неможливим. Саме з комфортом і зручністю людина може досягти максимуму своїх можливостей.